Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Why Darth Vader Is the Hands-Down Most Fearsome Movie Villain of All Time...Ever !!!

By David Johnson
(from: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/starwarstrilogy.php)

There is no question. No debate. No alternative. Darth Vader is unequivocally the silver screen's greatest bad-ass mofo. Forget for a moment that the supreme vision of galactic evil used to be a whiny little puke with a bowl cut. Just watch the dude traipse through the Holy Trilogy as the unholiest of bastards, leaving death, destruction, and one heck of a dysfunctional family in his wake and tell me this guy isn't untouchable in the world of movie villains.

Look at the evidence. How bad-ass is he? Darth Vader is so bad-ass…

1. He will walk straight into the sites of ferocious battles, just minutes after they've been settled. Be it Hoth or Princess Leia's ship, the guy is not afraid to get his hands dirty and bat clean-up.

2. He'll kill more Imperial officers in one morning than Luke did with his exhaust port torpedo bullseye.

3. He can wear a cape and still inspire fear and dread.

4. He can alter a deal multiple times on Billy Dee Williams.

5. His personal starship is the size of Nebraska.

6. Besides that crusty governor who evaporated in a ball of fire, he takes orders only from The Emperor, who, by the way, can shoot lightning out of his fingertips.

7. He'll slice off his son's right arm, throw appliances at him, then watch him plummet down a giant hole, all while undiplomatically breaking some big family news.

8. The guy will leap into a TIE fighter himself and enter the heat of interstellar battle, flanked by only a couple of pilots, who, as the records show, have an excellent chance of flying into each other.

9. He'll lay the attitude on Boba Fett, knowing the guy has a rope he can shoot from his wrist at any moment.

10. Blaster bolts are impervious to his palms.

11. His son won't talk back to him, even after the hundredth time he's been lectured about "destiny" and "Obi-Wan's failure, which is complete by the way."

12. He sounds like James Earl Jones.

13. He'll listen to his master yak on and on about his son taking his place, and how his son should kill him, and how he's a punk-ass bitch for not eviscerating him with a lightsaber, and still wait until Luke is almost deep-fried before realizing that the evil thing is not all it's cracked up to be.

14. He's unopposed to forcefully probing a 19-year-old girl.

15. He lives in what appears to be a snow globe or an oversized Easter egg.

16. He's losing his hair, and he's okay with that, thank you.

17. He is responsible for the wholesale slaughter of the Jedi order, which we know for a fact included small children.

18. He opts for murder by "slow, horrible, mystical asphyxiation" versus a quick thrust of the lightsaber or laser blast to the forehead.

19. Did I mention he has a cape? Well, he does.

20. His chest-mounted life support computer also doubles as an electronic day planner.


Enrique G de la G said...

Lo que le falta es fumar para ser aún peor... Por cierto, que en el Museo del Cine de Berlín está uno de sus trajes...

Jorge H. Padilla Leal said...

Tuve la dicha de verlo en "acción" más de una vez.

El wey que lo traia puesto era inmenso, aproximadamente 2 metros.

Claro que fue el traje el que se encargó de inspirar miedo, pa acabarla lo flanqueaban dos Stormtroopers que median media cabeza menos... Y como quiera imponían también.

JA said...

eI! Licenciado... bienvenido al blog!